PART II: Groundwater Management; Saltwater Intrusion,
Karst Aquifer, Sources of Fresh Water
PART Vb: Barangay Surveys, Maps and Summaries
Appendix B: Ichicoo Park
PART III: Ecological Consideration; Threats to the Watershed,
Forest Succession, Coconuts and Reforestation.
PART IV: Barangay Surveys, Peninsular and Near Islands
Methodology, Well Improvement Aspects, Survey Results
PART VI: Continuous Improvement Revisited, Resilient Housing Risk
Planning and Preparedness: Final Thoughts, REFERENCES
Guiuan Groundwater Assessment
Academic and Professional Portfolio
Southern Leyte Landslides
PART I: Introduction; Background, Initial Mapping,
Geology of Guiuan, Guiuan in WWII.
Title, Author, Executive Summary Table of Contents, Revisions,
Acknowledgements, Official Records
PART Va: Homonhon Island Issues
Appendix A: ISO 14001:2015 Calamansi Mining Company
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